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Elevate your Online Pitching with Martin Barnes (Part 3): The Power of mmhmm

Updated: May 1

Welcome back to the final chapter of our enlightening series with Martin Barnes, the founder of 8 Seconds 2 Connect.

After exploring the essentials of video pitching and the balance of content in our previous parts 1 and 2, we're now set to explore the transformative world of mmhmm – the game-changing tool revolutionizing online pitches.

For those who don't know Martin, he is the founder of 8 Seconds 2 Connect with 23 years of experience pitching ad campaigns to Nike, VW, Mercedes and BMW in China.

Photo of Martin Barnes, a seasoned presentation coach, standing confidently next to the logo of his company, 8 Seconds 2 Connect. He's smiling, exuding professionalism and expertise in communication and pitch coaching.

In Part 1, we discussed the need to make short, tailored video pitches.

In Part 2, we discussed balancing the pitch content with the JHCO matrix.

Now, we need to ensure we don't vanish like the stamp on a postcard when we present online.

This is where mmhmm comes in...

Get started with mmhmm

"mmhmm, the only video tool whose name you can say whilst eating.

And it is the only video tool that makes it so easy to pitch, standing side by side with your slides.

In this way, you never dilute your connection with your audience.

PLUS, you can’t write many words because you have less visual space.

Wordy slides are the worst for what I call a live pitch. The ones where you are in the video, online, in the room to pitch.

Wordy slides are okay for inbox pitches = where you are not in the room. Your audience needs more signposting and context.

With wordy slides, you are giving your audience a choice.

Me or the slides.

Listen or read.

You are dividing their attention, and chances are they will clock out and check their phone.

And this creates a loose/loose.

Logo of mmhmm company, featuring the company name in a stylized lowercase font with a playful and modern design, set against a plain background

This is how I use mmhmm.

My slides are in the same format as movie posters.

Taller than wider, AKA portrait format.

This way, I stand next to them - we are equals.

I create slides in Keynote: a 3:4 format, 900px H by 1200px W.

This portrait format is a good constraint.

I can't add too much text.

As I want to keep my audience's attention focused on me.

During a live pitch, I choose images that amplify my message. I use the cinematic technique "show, don't tell."

An advantage of this is I am not locked to a script.

Memorising a script is what made me perform like a plank of wood. (see blog 01)

Stiff and boring. I was too busy burning energy trying to remember a paragraph of text.

We don't speak like we write.

Speak as we speak.

We know what we want to say; we have to trust ourselves to say it.

Visual slides unlock the point. The exact words we use get better every time we pitch.

The mmhmm website is full of videos helping you get started with the software.

My advice is to follow their advice.

Once you know the software, follow this workflow to build your pitch:

  1. Get used to mmhmm

  2. Write your pitch out - bullet points or long-form, whichever serves you better

  3. Practice - I like to work on my pitch delivery when driving. I pitch to myself. I speak it out aloud, hear the words, feel the words

  4. Revise the script

  5. Design visual slides in Canva, Keynote or PowerPoint - they are all great tools

  6. Let go of the script

  7. Trust yourself

  8. A great feature of mmhmm is how you can film scenes and chunks of your pitch - you break it down

  9. Another super feature of mmhmm is cloud storage - you can share public links, invite people and embed videos on pages - super flexible

  10. There is also a video watch count so you can see if people are engaging

  11. You can record the main section and have bespoke intros for specific audiences

  12. You can come back to a video and re-record specific sections

  13. Get familiar with the software - it's a minor learning curve

  14. The support team and community are AMAZING

Whenever I share my mmhmm pitches, people always say - that was great - how did you do that?

With mmhmm, you will stand out.

You are zigging when everyone else is zagging.

You are making bespoke short visual pitches.

You are using all the tools and tech at your disposal.

You are not shoving flyers through letterboxes.

You are going to the races and picking the winner.

Because you are communicating with intention.

It's time 2 pitch.

It's time 2 fund.

Good luck, and ask me questions anytime."

We look forward to building with you,

The foundercentre team


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